Wednesday, March 26, 2014


March is Poetry month in Writer's Workshop!
We began by reading many different types of poetry and creating this anchor chart of what we noticed most poetry has...

Next, we needed to understand that Poets often look at things differently- with Poet's Eyes.
Check out this chart to see what we found...

Then, we created some poetry as a class.
We wanted to describe what recess meant to us and how it made us feel. 

Now see what some students created independently...

It is a alligator
mouth when it
goes on a paper it spits out
a tooth.
By: Dylan

I think there are fireflies in the ceiling.
By: Hala
(referring to the lights)

I am so proud of ALL of our Kindergarten Poets!


We have been learning all about plants!  We have been studying a plant's needs, parts, and observing many different experiments.
This week we planted a few different seeds in soil and we are patiently waiting for them to sprout!
Check it out...

Here we learned the importance of a plant's stem...
to support the plant and bring water to the leaves and flowers.

Here we are observing what happens when we cut off the top and bottom of a carrot...
the top will grow back!